Best Practice for Healthy Teeth and Gums

Studies have indicated a correlation between an individual’s oral health and their general well-being. Oral health issues are regarded by experts as a worldwide health burden. If left untreated, gum disease and dental decay can cause discomfort, low self-esteem, and even tooth loss. Malnutrition, speech difficulties, and other difficulties in a person’s job, studies, or personal life might result from these problems. With appropriate dental care, both at home and at the dentist’s office, people can avoid these issues. The greatest ways to maintain healthy teeth and gums are as follows.

Impact of Oral health on your overall health

Studies have indicated a correlation between an individual’s oral health and their general well-being. Oral health issues are regarded by experts as a worldwide health burden. Trusted Source. If left untreated, gum disease and dental decay can cause discomfort, low self-esteem, and even tooth loss. Malnutrition, speech difficulties, and other difficulties in a person’s job, studies, or personal life might result from these problems.

Healthy habits for teeth and Gums

With appropriate dental care, both at home and at the dentist’s office, people can avoid these issues. The greatest ways to maintain healthy teeth and gums are as follows.

Brushing in right way

We all know that regular brushing is a good habit and good for oral health. You should brush your teeth in right way including diagonal, vertical and horizontal direction to clean your teeth properly. Those who have sensitive teeth and suffering with any certain type of oral problem, they should consult with the dentist and follow medicated tooth paste for their teeth. Change your tooth brush after a certain period of time like after 2 month to 3 month.

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride is common element when we talk about oral hygiene and available in toothpaste and mouthwash, and many experts feel it helps prevent cavities. However, in some certain type of teeth or gum problems expert dentists recommend certain type of Fluoride treatment also. There is evidence that tooth decay can result from low fluoride levels, even in those who practice good oral hygiene. According to a new research, if fluoride is not used, brushing and flossing will not shield a person from developing cavities. In many American areas, the water supply has been treated with fluoride.

Professional Cleaning and Check-up

Plaque and germs that a toothbrush cannot reach between teeth can be removed by flossing. By clearing food particles and debris that have lodged between teeth, it can also aid in the prevention of bad breath. The American Dental Association still recommends flossing despite the paucity of long-term studies that support its benefits. Additionally, the CDC Trusted Source advises people to floss their teeth.


The majority of dental health specialists advise hugging the side of the tooth with up-and-down motions after carefully pushing the floss all the way down to the gumline. It is also important to take care of the way you are using the floss and keep taking regular consultation.